A I live on a street named after a saint A Women in the churches wear powder and paint D Where the Jews and the Catholics and Muslims all pray A I can tell a Proddy from a mile away E D Goodbye Jimmy Reed, Jimmy Reed indeed A E A Gimme that old time religion, it’s just what I need A For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory A Go tell it on the mountain, go tell the real story D Tell in that straightforward Puritanical tone A In the mystic hours, when a person’s alone E D Goodbye Jimmy Reed, Godspeed A E A Thump on the bible, proclaim a creed A A You won’t amount to much, the people all said A Cuz I didn’t play guitar behind my head D Never pandered, never acted proud A Never took off my shoes throw them in the crowds E D Goodbye Jimmy Reed, goodbye and good night A E A Put a jewel in your crown and I’ll put out the light A A They threw everything at me, everything in the book A I had nothing to fight with but a butcher’s hook D They had no pity, they never lent a hand A I can’t sing a song I don’t understand E D Goodbye Jimmy Reed, goodbye and good luck A E A I can’t play the record cuz my needle got stuck A Transparent woman in a transparent dress A Suits you well I must confess D I break open your grapes, I suck out the juice A I need you like my head needs a noose E D Goodbye Jimmy Reed, goodbye and so long A E A I thought I could resist her but I was so wrong A God be with you, brother dear A If you don’t mind me asking, what brings you here? D Ah nothing much, I’m just looking for the man A Came to see where he’s lying in this lost land E D Goodbye Jimmy Reed, and everything within ya A E A Can’t you hear me calling from down in Virginia A
Goodbye Jimmy Reed acordes
de Bob Dylan